News & Media

Foundation Progress / Next Steps

The Nova Peris Foundation has paid Food Ladder for our part contribution to the greenhouse in Yirrkala school and paid for another smaller system to be erected in Bawaka Homeland. This order has now been placed and will be freighted into Gove, then into Yirrkala by the end of October, with the builds to commence early November! The NPF has also paid the Aboriginal Investment Group for an industrial Washing Machine and Dryer for Bawaka. We will be getting signage stickers to put on the machines with the NPF logos on it so everyone that visits Bawaka will know the industrial laundry was donated by the NPF in partnership with AIG. We took NPF board member Kevin to meet AIG CEO Liz Morgan-Brett and that was another great meeting to help Kevin fully understand what we are doing as a Foundation as well as get a look at the full laundry model that we will be getting in at Yirrkala.

The Northern Land Council (NLC) has signed off on the ground works to be prepared for the concrete slab at Yirrkala school that the Food Ladder Greenhouse will be built on.

The concrete slab has been poured out at Bawaka Homeland ready for the Cyclone Coded Food Ladder Greenhouse to be built!

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